Flat Creek Marina & RV Camping has an on-site store. Year round, hot sellers are our bait and tackle. We carry all of the essentials for bass, crappie, and catfish and all general fishing needs. On any day, peddle your bike down for some ice cream! The store carries tea, sodas, water, coffee, snacks, souvenirs, and camping items you may have forgotten to bring with you. See more about our bait & tackle below.

Live Bait
Because of the amazing fishing, the Flat Creek store caters to fishermen and campers. We stock live bait. Minnows are our number one seller. We carry black salty and worms. Rosie Reds are carried seasonally. In addition, we stock frozen baits such as liver, hearts, shad, and shrimp. If you are planning to make a large or group purchase of live bait, call ahead, and we will ensure we have your order ready!
Plastic / Soft Bait
We carry plastic baits! Flat Creek focuses on locally owned businesses and balances that with a selection of popular brands. Our locally owned brands are BoneHead Tackle. We also carry brands like Panfish Assassin, Zoom Bait Company, Strike King Lure Company, and YUM – all made in the U.S.A.
Flat Creek Store carries a variety of fishing poles, hooks, minnow dip nets, large nets, minnow buckets, stringer, wire baskets, fishing line, bobbers, bobber stoppers, fishing knives, electric fishing knives, sinkers, etc.
Other Baits
Single and Double Spinner Baits by H&H, Strike King, FJ Neil Co.
Crappie Jigs by Z Bar Baits, BoneHead Tackle, Lindy and FJ Neil Co.
Slabs/Spoons with Treble Hooks by Z Bar Baits, FJ Neil Co and Bomber.
Custom Jigs
Speckled Hog Custom Jigs
by Clint Parker Local Fishing Guide
Z Bar Custom Jigs
by Alfred Zerr
Where can I find a good fishing guide?
Fishing Guides are most sought-after on Lake Palestine and other area lakes. All fishing guides own and operate their own businesses. Click here for a list of the local fishing guides that Flat Creek Marina & RV Camping knows about; they are all credible guides with personality plus.
Where can I rent a boat?
Click here for a list of all boat rentals on Lake Palestine. These are privately owned businesses and not associated with Flat Creek Marina & RV Camping. We do rent kayaks only; for motor-craft, see these fine local establishments.
Boat Safety
The Flat Creek Store has life jackets, floating cushions, flares, safety whistles, kill switches, air horns, and life rings. For details about boat safety on Lake Palestine, go to the Texas Parks & Wildlife Department Boat Safety webpage.
Hunting & Fishing Licenses Sold Here
You can find information about the types of fish and Lake Palestine information at the Texas Department of Parks and Wildlife. And, for the most current Lake Palestine Fishing Report, go to the Texas Department of Parks and Wildlife.